Persiana Travel and Tourism Agency, gathered professional and energetic personnels , is authorized by Iran’s Ministry of Cultural Heritage,Tourism and Handicrafts (MCTH).
Persiana specialized team with strong past experiences help clients who have dreams of traveling to new and pure places of middle east country Iran.We assist customers to fulfill their travel needs to Persia, land of old civilization.


Persiana Travel


Several years ago today Managing Director of Persiana travel and tourism agency, Ahmadreza Keshavarzi, decided to enter tourism industry officially and seriously.While he passed tourist guide courses to work as a tour guide,he started a cooperation with a travel agency as an inbound tour operator in Shiraz, Iran.Soon, he achieved great successes in inbound tours to Iran and had constructive collaboration with European travel companies and agencies. After a while, Ahmadreza decided to continue his activities in tourism industry more seriously, so he assembled his previous talented and professional colleagues and decided to run his own travel agency.At the time of authorization process, he and his team were looking for an appropriate name for the agency. They tried to choose a name to be memorable,impactful, clear and audience friendly .While they were seeking a name, one of their past clients who was an Australian woman suggested “PERSIANA” which means Land of Persians. Eventually, Persiana was approved and chosen as the name of agency.

A suitable and relevant logo which can remind you of Iran at a glance was the next phase. A professional designer team presented several great graphic design samples.finally the logo was selected among them.Persiana logo is made of the first letter of the name ‘P’ combining with a very renowned mythological creature (sphinx) and 12-petals lotus flower icon both inspired by Persepolis bas-reliefs.

persiana logo story

Finally all their efforts paid off and the appointed day had come. The travel agency opened to the public and got ready to offer services .Young and energetic members of Persiana team were looking forward to the open day to start their dream job together with full of energy and passion.Now we are honored and so glad to serve you and look forward to expertly supporting your travel need.

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