Flower Garden of Isfahan

Along with the famous historical monuments in Isfahan, there are other exciting and instructive attractions that can be attractive to any tourist. One of them is Isfahan Flower Garden, a unique collection of flowers and plants. Be with Persiana Travel and Tour Agency and read more about this flower garden.


Introducing Flower Garden of Isfahan

These days the fungal growth of polluting industries has endangered the human environment and living organisms, air pollution is the source of many respiratory, cardiovascular and cardiovascular diseases, and humans are experiencing painful moments of alienation from nature under the wheels of mechanization and industrial development.

Seeing the flower, which is a symbol of tenderness and a symbol of beauty, and being in a pleasant and green garden, stimulates the aesthetic nature of human beings and provides the means to soften the human soul and psyche. In this regard, and in an unprecedented move, Isfahan Municipality opened a window to the Garden of Hope and on a 67,000 square meter land on the banks of the Zayandeh River, added the beautiful collection of the Garden of Flowers to the album of Isfahan’s sights.

One of the unique features of this collection is its numerous recreational, educational, cultural and research aspects and the presentation of various plant species that have been crystallized along with the elements and coordinates of traditional Iranian gardens.In the design of flower garden of Isfahan, due to the dry climate of Isfahan, water fountains were designed. In this garden, the water flows in the form of short fountains and finally flows into the pond. Also, the elements and coordinates of the traditional architectural culture of Isfahan have been objectively crystallized in the buildings of this garden. Considering the existential philosophy of the garden based on providing different types of flowers that are compatible with the climatic conditions of Isfahan, a total of 395 plant species have been planted in different parts of the flower garden of Isfahan.

History of Flower Garden of Isfahan

Fortunately, in recent decades, the green spaces of Isfahan have expanded in the light of the planning and efforts of the municipality and the Parks and Green Spaces Organization; As the per capita green space and garden of this city has reached the border of about 13.5 square meters per citizen, a figure that in a brief comparison is close to the global minimum standard of 15 square meters.

These green spaces and gardens, which are considered as parks of Isfahan, include pleasant spaces along the Zayandehrood river, mountainous and forest parks, have caused the beauty, freshness and relative refinement of the air of Isfahan. Flower Garden of Isfahan is one of the projects that was completed and put into operation in Isfahan in the seventies. One of the prominent features of this garden is its multiple recreational, cultural, educational and research functions, as well as the use of traditional architectural elements in the garden buildings.

Different parts of the Flower Garden of Isfahan

Different parts of the Flower Garden of Isfahan

Flower Garden of Isfahan has different parts, the most important parts are introduced here:

Entrance pavilion of flower garden of Isfahan

At the beginning of the entrance to the flower garden of Isfahan, on its western side, you will encounter a two-story building measuring 6.9 meters and 6 meters high, which is 180 square meters wide. The ground floor of this building has two parts; The northern part, which houses the stairs of the building, and the southern part, which has an office to provide brochures and garden information and display flower seeds. The first floor is built as a porch, where you can see the general area of ​​the flower garden of Isfahan.

On the second floor, there is a hall for showing movies and slides of various plants. Because the plants and flowers need special care, the garden is separated from the surrounding areas by simple fences and green walls of a variety of hedge plants such as boxwood. This will prevent the movement of people and determine the area of ​​the garden.

Ponds and garden waterfalls

On the southeast side of the flower garden of Isfahan, a pond with an area of ​​about 3500 square meters has been built, the floor of which is made of waste stone and the bodies of carcass stone.


On the eastern side of the flower garden of Isfahan and at the end of the main axis, there is an open amphitheater, which is used for holding various exhibitions and celebrations and lectures.


Isfahan’s climatic conditions and lack of flowers in winter have led to the creation of a greenhouse complex which is located on the northeastern side of the garden. The area of ​​this section reaches 700 squares. It is possible to keep the flowers in any conditions

The area of Isfahan’s flower garden

The lawn has been planted on the surface of the garden and there are different types of gardens in various designs. The gardens are created using annual, biennial, perennial and ornamental shrubs and host a variety of plants and flowers. Garden walkways cover about 5,000 square meters of the total area of ​​this space.

These places are decorated with special designs and are covered with a kind of granite flooring. To illuminate the flower garden of Isfahan at night, they have used the centralized lighting method and have used tall pedestals with a projector. Short pedestals with soft light are also implemented in the movement paths to create a good atmosphere at night. In the main and side passages of the water garden, 80 x 40 cm views with various fountains have been used to add to the beauty and freshness of the complex.

The water used in these fountains goes from the center of the garden to the top of the water features and returns, thus flowing in a circular motion. Joey flows in the middle of the main row of the garden, which is reminiscent of the design of Iranian gardens and is 300 meters long. The passages are about 500 meters and all of them reach an open space in the center that has a masterpiece.

Flower Garden of Isfahan is one of the amazing attractions that will create a new experience of your trip. This garden with its beautiful and colorful flowers will make you feel good and create happy moments for you in Isfahan. Persiana Travel and Tourism Agency will help you to have the most thrilling experience in this wonderful place.

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